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At MUNNLANE Workplace, we are experts in transforming assisted living facilities and communities through our comprehensive white glove services. Boasting over thirty years of experience in office furnishing and business relocation management, we have now broadened our scope to include the assisted living sector. As a proud, woman-owned business, we set a standard in our community for compassion, dedication, and integrity.

Our services cover the full spectrum of interviewing and gathering input to ensure we align with the best interests of the residents in each community. We have a history of successfully overseeing hundreds of relocations, expansions, and renovations, customizing our approach to meet the distinct needs of every client. Our notable track record features partnerships with organizations such as the American Cancer Society and The Hope Lodge.

Whether supporting the management team or the residents of a tranquil assisted living community, our dedication to delivering a personal touch is constant. Place your trust in MUNNLANE Workplace to facilitate the seamless evolution of your space.

Call Us to Help With Your Transformation