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Philadelphia Animal Specialty & Emergency Hospital Relocation, Planning, Project Management and Furniture Installation.

The animal hospital design and furniture installation project aimed to create a functional, efficient, and comfortable environment for veterinary care. The project involved designing the layout of the hospital, selecting appropriate furniture, and installing it in accordance with the needs of the facility and the animals it serves.

Project Phases

Phase 1: Needs Assessment and Planning

  • Meet with the hospital management team to discuss their requirements, goals, and vision for the hospital.
  • Assess the available space and identify any limitations or opportunities for improvement.
  • Determine the number of examination rooms, treatment areas, surgical suites, waiting areas, administrative spaces, and other necessary areas based on the hospital's size and capacity.
  • Create a detailed floor plan that optimized the flow of staff, patients, and visitors.
  • Develop a budget and timeline for the project.

Phase 2: Design Concept and Material Selection

  • Collaborate with the architectural and interior design firms to develop a design concept that aligns with the hospital's branding, aesthetic preferences, and functionality.
  • Select appropriate materials for flooring, wall finishes, lighting fixtures, and other essential elements.
  • Ensure that all materials are durable, easy to clean, and pet-friendly.
  • Consider the comfort and safety of animals by incorporating features such as non-slip flooring, low-stress handling techniques, and separate waiting areas for different species if needed.

Phase 3: Furniture Selection and Procurement

  • Identify the furniture requirements for various areas within the hospital, such as examination rooms, waiting areas, surgical suites, and reception areas.
  • Source furniture that meets the hospital's needs, considering factors like durability, cleanliness, and ergonomic design.
  • Select furniture pieces that are suitable for different animal sizes and species, including exam tables, seating options, storage solutions, and veterinary equipment.
  • Ensure that the furniture aligns with the design concept and the overall aesthetics of the hospital.