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Lindley Hord

Lindley Hord

Construction Project Director 
Lindley is a seasoned professional with a rich background in the construction industry, boasting over 15 years of experience. Throughout her career, she has engaged in a diverse array of roles, ranging from design and estimating to project management for a wide spectrum of projects, including remodeling endeavors, custom home constructions, and historic restorations. Her dedication to her craft shines through in her interactions with new clients, where she eagerly shares her passion and expertise to help bring their dreams and ideas to life.

Recognizing the challenges inherent in design, project planning, and construction, Lindley approaches each project with a blend of skill and empathy. She understands that these processes can be intricate and deeply personal for clients, which is why she and her team are committed to delivering an exceptional experience from inception to completion. Lindley’s proficiency is instrumental in propelling projects forward, as she adeptly conducts feasibility studies, manages budgets, and oversees construction operations with precision and care.

Making a Positive Impact on the Community: “Construction projects contribute to economic strength, job creation, and community vitality, allowing professionals like myself to give back and make a direct positive impact on society”.


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